Sunday, 24 September 2017


Scoop the pale Lurpak butter,
one knob… plop and puddle.
Add a splash of oil
to dance in the pan;
to mush, meld till a single sticky layer
coats the metal like a blanket.

Sprinkle in the kernels,
to roll in the butter like children in mud.
Playing patiently
until the heat finally grabs them.
They leap, reach into the air,
pop in springs of cool cream.

Finally, toffee drizzles
it slivers into each popped piece;
smears them in a thick sticky skin.

I bubble with excitement.
Wait to fill my senses
with popcorn sweetness.

“Dad, I’ve had a bad day today…”
“Shall we make some popcorn?”

Whenever I'm feeling at my worst I always remember the simple pleasures I have in my life: like making popcorn. You don't have to make dramatic changes in your life to make yourself feel better. Small moments make life, appreciate everyone you have.

By Laura Rose Russell