An Empress Is Born.
An Empress Is Born.
An Empress taken from her family, bundled through the back of the Palace - for someone like her could not possibly pass through the front, it's unthinkable - and stripped of her name. To this day, it is still unknown.
An Empire surrounded on all sides, being eaten out from its insides. Bottom of the pecking order, one of eight wives, a mother and nothing more, she is told. An Emperor intent on war.
The Summer Palace destroyed in an inferno. The treasures raided, a lone puppy discovered. Bottom of the pecking order, one of eight wives, a mother and nothing more, she is told. An Emperor intent on dying.
An Emperor gets his wish. An Empress ignored - someone like her could not possibly rule, it's unthinkable - and strangers are crowned.
An Empress grows out the nail on her littlest finger and coats it with the finest jewels. It becomes so long, so sharp, one could easily mistake it for a knife.
An Empress is crowned.
The Empress changes the world.
At some point, The Empress begins to lose her hair. She isn't quite sure when. All she knows is that the thick black locks on her pillow and the skin-coloured patches on her head terrify her. She wears a wig.
A Summer Palace rebuilt, treasures abundant and shared, her lover executed. An Empire saved. The Empress revered, but the Woman destroyed.